Here are some examples of analogies related to God and His creations:
Free : Redeemed
Jesus : God
Love : Charity
Riches : Abundance
Lucifer : Satan
Forgiveness : God’s Judgement
Weak : Strong
Holy : Sin
Create : Destroy
Death : Life
Bondage : Salvation
Seed : Harvest
5 Loaves and 2 fishes : 3000 Fed
Only-begotten Son : sons of God
Abraham : Many Nations
Jesus : 12 Disciples
Sin : Death
God's Word : God’s creations
Death of Jesus : Redemption
Blessing : Prosperity
Sowing : Reaping
The meaning is that being positive will get to a lot more places and you will get more things being positive. If ur negative all the time u will amount to nothing.
If the story you are referring to is "The Great Gatsby", it might be said that Nick learned that she is a dishonest woman because she cheated to win the golf tournament. She might be considered a compulsive liar and she seemed to assume that everyone was like her,
I Didn’t Understand the Homework
This excuse works better for science, maths or questions-based homework rather than essays. That doesn't mean it won't fly if the assignment called for you to write at length; you might simply explain how you didn't quite get the idea of what you were supposed to write about.
This excuse hits two birds with one stone when you combine it with 'could you explain it to me?' because you'll get help with your homework and a deadline extension, especially if you actually don’t understand the homework assignment.
Beware of this pitfall: Teacher might ask if you talked with any of your classmates to see if they could explain what you were supposed to do. You might say that you asked your parents or an older sibling for help but avoid mentioning any mate your teacher might know, just in case s/he tries to verify your story.
have a great day!
There is nothing for anyone to look at to see what she says... I would help but there is nothing to see