The correct answer is alternative C.
The United States Constitution expressly forbids the government to pass <em>ex post facto</em> laws, which are laws that can change the legal consequences of actions in the past. In some countries <em>ex post facto</em> laws are acceptable in some situations, but in the U.S. this is such an unacceptable thing that it seemed obvious and unnecessary to include in the Constitution.
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symbolic presence in international legal accounts of the 19th century, but for historians of the era its importance has often been doubted. This article seeks to re-interpret the place of the Berlin General Act in late 19th-century history, suggesting that the divergence of views has arisen largely as a consequence of an inattentiveness to the place of systemic logics in legal regimes of this kind.
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The Berlin West Africa Conference of 1884-1885 has assumed a canonical place in historical accounts of late 19th-century imperialism 1 and this is no less true of the accounts provided by legal scholars seeking to trace the colonial origins of contemporary international law. 2 The overt purpose of the Conference was to ‘manage’ the ongoing process of colonisation in Africa (the ‘Scramble’ as it was dubbed by a Times columnist) so as to avoid the outbreak of armed conflict between rival colonial powers. Its outcome was the conclusion of a General Act 3 ratified by all major colonial powers including the US. 4 Among other things, the General Act set out the conditions under which territory might be acquired on the coast of Africa; it internationalised two rivers (the Congo and the Niger); it orchestrated a new campaign to abolish the overland trade in slaves; and it declared as ‘neutral’ a vast swathe of Central Africa delimited as the ‘conventional basin of the Congo’. A side event was the recognition given to King Leopold’s fledgling Congo Free State that had somewhat mysteriously emerged out of the scientific and philanthropic activities of the Association internationale du Congo . 5
If for lawyers and historians the facts of the Conference are taken as a common starting point, this has not prevented widely divergent interpretations of its significance from emerging. On one side, one may find an array of international lawyers, from John Westlake 6 in the 19th century to Tony Anghie 7 in the 21 st century, affirming the importance of the Conference and its General Act for having created a legal and political framework for the subsequent partition of Africa. 8 For Anghie, Berlin ‘transformed Africa into a conceptual terra nullius ’, silencing native resistance through the subordination of their claims to sovereignty, and providing, in the process, an effective ideology of colonial rule. It was a conference, he argues, ‘which determined in important ways the future of the continent and which continues to have a profound influence on the politics of contemporary Africa’. 9
Initiative, Referendum and Recall are three powers reserved to the voters to enable them, by petition, to propose or repeal legislation or to remove an elected official from office.
- Land, labor, and capital also are known as factors of Production
- Economies must answer the three economic questions because resources are Limited
- If an economy does not answer the three economic questions, resources may Run out
- Negative consequences can result when an economy does not answer the three economic questions.
The three basic economics question that must be answered are:
- What goods and services will be produced?
- How will the goods and service will be produced?
- Who will consume the goods and services?
Every society must answer these three question in order to meet the needs of its people. Every society answer these 3 basic questions differently, but each encounters the same fundamental problems, that are resourcea allocation and scarcity.
The trade route were very important to the Ghana empire because the Ghana Empire became rich and wealthy as a result of increased trans-Saharan trade. This trade involved mostly goods such as gold and salt.
It allowed for urbanization and also permitted territorial expansion to gain control over the different trade routes.