Absolute Dating- provides a specific time
Relative Dating- compares age of rock using law of superposition based on elements found in the rocks
After World War II ended in 1945, Europe was divided into Western Europe and Eastern Europe by the Iron Curtain. Western Europe promoted capitalist democracies, and Eastern Europe came under the Communist influence of the Soviet Union
The conflict could be when he loses his son or when his wife wants him to use it, or all of the concqeneces
Physical Properties of Water (H2O):
It is Colorless Liquid.
It is Tasteless.
It ha a Specific Gravity of 1 at room Temperature.
It freezes at (0) zero, degree Celsius.
It boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
Chemical Properties:
It is the BEST solvent of all solvents.
When decomposes, it gives two atoms of Hydrogen (H2) and one atom of Oxygen (O).
It is an excellent diluent for all acids.
It reacts vigorously with Sulphuric Acid(H2SO4) producing HEAT. Acid should be added to Water, Not the other way round.
Water is an essential Nutrient to Humans, Animals and Plants.