they erode rocks and stuff like that
The tundra is a biome on the Earth that covers approximately 20% of its land mass, and it is almost exclusively located in the Northern Hemisphere. It is an environment that helps in the regulation of the CO2 in the atmosphere, and it is one of the biggest natural CO2 sinks. The living organisms in the tundra, are using the CO2 for their needs, thus removing parts of it from the atmosphere, and when they die, because the tundra is cold, and the decomposition is very slow, most of the CO2 remains trapped, and doesn't go into the atmosphere.
Unfortunately, the global warming is slowly changing the tundra, and prolongs the summer periods, thus reducing the permafrost period of the year, so the decomposition of the living organisms is getting quicker, and also bigger percentage of the CO2 from them gets to the atmosphere.
For Earth to make one complete revolution around the Sun takes 365.24 days. This amount of time is the definition of one year.
Effects of Revolution of the Earth: Certain areas are tipped towards, or away from, the sun at different times of the year. This tilting causes the four seasons of the year. The tilting also creates opposite seasons in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
The classification relating to the European population is described elsewhere here.
- Europe's population growth as a whole has been 143 persons every square mile, making it the 2nd the more thickly inhabited region.
- Throughout the country's increasing slowing demographic growth and an aging population, Europe has been influencing the globe, but this issue is one that concerns most emerging economies and to a certain extent.