A hyperbole is an extreme literary exaggeration. Such as, "I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse!" Obviously one person could not eat a horse, but instead uses a hyperbole to express his/her hunger.
The linking verb is 'because'
to see if Parris can help his agenda to make Proctor confess so that nobody looks bad for wrongly convicting people.
The Crucible is a play written by Arthur Miller. The play is absed on the Witch craft trials occurred in New England in the 1600s.
In the play, Judge Danforth asks Reverend Parris if John Proctor will confess his crime. Danforth asks this so that Reverend Parris could make Proctor confess of his crime so that no one looks bad for wrongly convicting John Proctor and Rebecca Nurse.
Therefore, option C is correct.
D, "One could consult an online dictionarey to check the spelling"
That's not how you spell dictionary!