First he wanted to take revenge on the countries that made the Versailles treaty because it was unfair to Germany. Then he wanted to cleanse the world of Jews, Slavs, and anyone who was not of the Aryan race.
aDrag the events of the civil rights era into chronological order from top to bottom.= Martin Luther King Jr. gave his "I have a Dream" Speech Drag the events of the civil rights era into chronological order from top to bottom.= Martin Luther King Jr. gave his "I have a Dream" Speech
B No state may contradict federal law.
The suprememacy clause lays out how Federal law is always superior to state laws, if a state creates a law that contradicts federal laws it could go to the Supreme Court for a ruling, which in turn could nullify the law if it is found to violate the suprememacy clause.
prices fell, factories closed and workers were laid off.
The Great Depression lasted from 1929 - 1941. A main cause of the Great Depression was overproduction. Factories and farms were producing more goods than the people could afford to buy. As a result, prices fell, factories closed and workers were laid off.
During the reconstruction era, many immigrants settled in Texas because the state still had public lands available. Under Congressional Reconstruction, one requirement for southern states to rejoin the Union was to ratify the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S.