Create subtopics for each of your main points
Friedan's attitude towards what she calls the 'feminine mystique' is that she sees the ideal of femininity as stiffing women's potential in the 1950's. Betty Friedan was a writer and activist of the 1950's and 60's.
the correct answers are D, E on PLATO. %100 correct.
D.The white man’s happiness cannot be purchased by the black man’s misery.
E.It is evident that the white and black "must fall or flourish together."
Step 1: Identify an Inference Question. First, you'll need to determine whether or not you're actually being asked to make an inference on a reading test. ...
Step 2: Trust the Passage. ...
Step 3: Hunt for Clues. ...
Step 4: Narrow Down the Choices. ...
Step 5: Practice.