<em>El filósofo contemporáneo de dicho pensamiento es:</em>
<em><u>Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez</u></em><em>.</em>
<em><u>Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez</u></em><em> fue un filósofo español (nacionalizado en México) cuya trayectoria del pensamiento tuvo mucho que ver con la forma en la cual la filosofía, los filósofos y las personas en general percibían la estética, algunas de sus obras al respecto fueron: "Las ideas estéticas de Marx (1965)", "estética y marxismo (1970)", y aquella de la cual proviene el pensamiento mencionado en el texto "</em><em>Invitación a la estética (1992)"</em><em>, </em><u><em>en la cual se retrató el concepto de belleza como algo que podía abordarse desde el punto de vista filosófico, superficial e incluso metafísico dependiendo del pensador que lo abordase en un momento determinado</em></u><em>. </em>
In my opinion you should do what you love. It is very unlikely to have a successfully career in art, and engineering is definitely a safer choice. But life is about taking risks, and you want to do what makes you happy with the time you have
• the farmer is bald, wearing glasses, with a stern look on his face and his eyes starring straight at the viewer.
the farmer is wearing a white shirt buttoned to the collar under worn blue jean coveralls with a dark wool dress jacket.
the farmer is holding a pitchfork with his strong right hand.
the pitchfork pattern is mimicked in this coverall and shirt.
the farmers wife is standing just to her right and behind the farmer
she has light colored hair that is parted in the middle and pulled back tightly
she seems to be looking just to the right of the viewer
she isn’t smiling or frowning but looks somewhat melancholy to me
In the middle ground I see:
a 2 story, white house with board & baton siding
the gothic style window on the 2nd story is positioned directly in the middle of the house and towards the middle of the painting with a sheer printed curtain hanging
below the porch roof is a double 2 over 2 country style window
the porch is held up with turned columns
In the background I see:
round tree tops in shade of green
the very tip of a church steeple peeking out above the tree tops
a light blue sky with a few soft clouds
Elements of Art used in the art work: Textures
the clothing is smooth
pitchfork is shiny, cold and pointed sharp
ric rack & broach are bumpy
man’s face looks leathery from the sun and lumpy with the wrinkles of age and hard work