Answer: Theme colors
Based on the directions, Linda most probably went to the "Theme colors" option as shown in the attachment below. Theme colors enables one to change the color of their smart shape.
It is located in the "Format tab" which is under "Drawing tools" in the more recent Excel versions. Under the format tab it is located in the Shape Styles group as shown below.
From a hardware standpoint, the CPU is most likely the main component. From a software standpoint, macOS and Windows are complex software systems.
Drones are become more advanced than ever before. Are now, they are starting to impact recreation. They are small, light, and can maneuver incredibly fast. They are being used in movies, skits, short films, and even high-end videos. Here are some ways drones are changing entertainment:
- Providing high-quality filming, even from 200 feet in the air.
- Reaching spaces where bulky helicopters cannot fit into safely
- Laser shows, where drones shine lights and lasers.
Right now, if you tried to hold your phone still to capture a video, you would not be able to do it. Upon checking the footage, you would see the camera shaking, even if it's just tiny bit. While you can lean it on a surface to fix this, it simply cannot be done in the air to capture. Not to worry, though, you've got drones. They can shoot a steady shot 200 feet in the air. The only thing that could rival drones are expensive, bulky choppers. The drones are cheaper and are mass produced.
However, drones are not only being used to filming movies and films. They are also being used for a different kind of entertainment: Shows. Drones move in formation and shine lights in the night sky, like we saw in the Winter Olympics. They are truly stunning(pics attached).
a feeling of smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's achievements.