Right now, I would call them "diaspora" if they're more dispersed (Armenian diaspora is quite well-known) or a "community", for example "French community" if they're more closely in contact.
If they reject their new land's law and intend to include this land into their old one, they could be "colonizers".
Congress redistributes or reapportion the seats in the House every decade using a census.
The factors that hastened the end of the Ottoman Empire are;
• Falling in military tactics
• Weaponry and development of European overseas trade
The end of the Ottoman Empire occurred in October 1918 when the war between the Ottoman Empire and the Allies resulted into poor stability and lack of peace in the region. The British were taking control of most regions thus the French and Greeks were moving towards Bulgaria to conquer Ottoman. The hope was that this retention was to result into post war stability.
ok I got u fam
Both of the countries have some sort of goverment
the life expensaty is smilar with each other being 75
the Literacy Rate
is also simliar
with 90 precent and 91 precent