Europeans use slaves because they want to expand their empires, and for that Europeans started to slave the African continent, they had better technology and weapons, submitting an African continent almost without technology was easy, Europeans started to use slaves in their countries, colonies, even they're selling slaves to North America.
opposing the collectivization of land
The Kulaks were the peasants that were the most prosperous, that new and put in a lot of effort to develop their land, gain more land, and become wealthier because of it. The Soviets though didn't fancied this, as their policy was that everyone should have the same amount of land, and that collectivization should be done to the land. The Kulaks of course opposed this, as they worked very hard to develop and buy their land and cattle, and now they had to give it up tot he others that were less capable than them just because Stalin ordered so. Stalin was not a man that liked to be opposed, so in order to perform the collectivization without any problem, he ordered the deportation and elimination of the Kulaks. The end result was millions of people ending up dead, which were also the most capable people in the rural areas, and that made a big long-term damage to the agriculture and economy of the Soviet Union.
Estereótipos construídos ao longo de 517 anos que massacram e invisibilizam os povos indígenas. A última mesa da Festa Literária Internacional de Cachoeira (Flica), neste domingo (8), propôs a reflexão a respeito dos equívocos históricos e culturais perpetuados dentro das escolas, rodas de conversas e todas as esferas políticas e sociais quando o assunto e o povo indígena.
Com os escritores Daniel Munduruku e Eliane Potiguara, o público foi convidado a se livrar de amarras do preconceito enraizado e que destrói milhares de culturas indígenas que resistem no Brasil: uma proposta de descolonização do pensamento.
"Meu avô costumava dizer o tempo que nós vivemos é o melhor tempo. Não é tempo atual não fosse bom, não se chamaria presente. Nós não somos nem o passado e muito menos do futuro, somos sempre apresentados ", disse o escritor Daniel Munduruku. Para ele, há 517 anos de idade, um desencontro entre pessoas, quando a cultura europeia tentou suprimir a cultura indígena e provocou uma cisão.
what would most likely happen if the Federal Communications Commission lifted all restrictions on the use of obscenities over radio and television stations. Congress would override the decision and reimpose restrictions on obscenity.
The society of Ancient Sparta was divided into three main classes. At the top of society were Spartiate. Following the Spartiate were the perioeci and at the bottom, were the helots. The Spartiate were like the native Spartans in Sparta.