Settlement houses and other agencies developed programs to educate immigrants and their children with the American culture. The children were taught hygiene, manners, conduct in daily life and most important of all, the use of the English language. The common schools developed particular subjects and extracurricular activities and new ways of enforcing discipline in order to Americanize these children.
Im not going to tourture you with christianity talk I just want to say Christ is in everyone I believe. For example you see a wallet. You know the wallets not yours. Something in your head tells you to go get it but you know you shouldnt thats what Christ is like. Hey man if you dont believe in Christ or christianity dont sweat it but if you do go to a local church and ask someone there. (Not everthing christians say is true.)
Hope this helps.
Great Britain and Greece. coal plants danger for disappear
The corona virus has effected EVERYONE. It came out of nowhere and has no vaccine. We are told to stay home and quarantine but some people don’t get the point.
Healthcare workers are put in risk everyday. Yet they still manage to go to work and help us everyday. Police officers, doctors, nurses, essential workers deserve so much more. We as a community need to stay home in order to overcome this.
It’s not going to be an easy ride to normality. We as people need to social distance and leave our houses only when necessary. I hope you and your family stay safe.