Its organized by lines and rhymes
Poems are short stories told on 5-7 words by line and they have to rhyme, just like a song. Theres other poems where you dont have to rhyme them. It can also be organized by syllables
Who was Rosa Parks
Who was Gloria Steinem
How did women get the right to vote
Since no one has created a machine capable of traveling through time that we know of, I can only draw inferences of what a time machine of this nature would function like from my imagination, and my knowledge of sci-fi films and novels. I imagine that the machine would hover above the surface of the ground, and shutter excessively for a little while, and then, somehow, channeling more energy than you could possibly fathom, it would disappear instantaneously with a blinding flash of light. It glides effortlessly though the distorted dimension of time, hurtling you through a series of intricate passageways that projected images depicting the universe throughout the course of time. It pulses a strange, multicolored energy from its exhaust pipe that evaporates into the “atmosphere” as the bulky piece of machinery continues to catapult you through the vortex of time. The control panel is equipped with an advanced artificial intelligence program, that voices the warning, “50 years until you’ve reached your desired time period” and you gaze the phantasmagorical world of time as it desintegrates before your eyes. Finally, you’ve arrived.
2 ( the one with the comma)