Theodora is remembered as one of the first rulers to recognize the rights of women, passing strict laws to prohibit the traffic in young girls and altering the divorce laws to give greater benefits to women. She spent much of her reign trying to mitigate the laws against the miaphysites.
Theodora reigned as empress of the Byzantine Empire alongside her husband, Emperor Justinian I, from 527 CE until her death in 548 CE. Rising from a humble background and overcoming the prejudices of her somewhat disreputable early career as an actress, Theodora would marry Justinian (r. 527-565 CE) in 525 CE and they would rule together in a golden period of Byzantine history. Portrayed by contemporary writers as scheming, unprincipled, and immoral, the Empress, nevertheless, was also seen as a valuable support to the Emperor, and her direct involvement in state affairs made her one of the most powerful women ever seen in Byzantium.
Gibbons are primates that are endemic to the forests of Southeast Asia. They are characterized by their amazing ability to swing through trees, a behavior known as branching, reason behing their common nickname of "acrobats" as they can swing for 35 miles an hour!
Their diet is composed mainly by fruits but they also feed from insects and leaves. Gibbons, as other primates, are very social animals and are highly territorial. They defend their territories mainly by vocalizations. Both males and males, and sometimes a whole family, will emit long and loud songs that are suggested to be specific from each individual to defend their territory.
In addition, gibbons are monogamous and raise and take good care of the offpsring.
The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "synaptic pruning." Brain development leads an infant to undergo synaptic pruning, which occurs as unused neural connections weaken and disappear. Synaptic pruning refers to <span>neurological regulatory processes. It facilitates a productive change in neural structure by reducing the overall number of neurons or connections.</span>
This poem describes the action-packed night of April 18, 1775, the famous ride of Paul Revere. It starts in Boston, where Paul and a friend are talking about the British army. They think the soldiers are going to leave Boston that night, but they aren't sure whether they will go by land or sea.
They are either reincarnated or live in eternity.