178 sundaes were sold in July.
To calculate a percentage, we convert to a decimal by dividing by 100. So 23% = 0.23
145 x 0.23 = 33.35 This is how many more sundaes were sold in July than June. We need to add the 145 sold in June to the increased number to find July’s total.
145 + 33.35 = 178.35
You can’t sell .035/ roughly a third of a sundae, so we round to the whole number.
All reals numbers from 0 to 200, inclusive.
Step-by-step explanation:

Sorry I don't see a picture. But...
If they add up to 90 degrees, they are complimentary
If they add up to 180 degrees ( a straight line) they are supplementary.
If they are vertical, they will be on either side, like two v's ><
Step-by-step explanation:
cows chickens legs animals
1 11 26 (1×4+11×2=4+22=26) 1+11=12
2 9 26 (2×4+9×2=8+18=26) 2+9=11
3 7 26 (3×4+7×2=12+14=26) 3+7=10
4 5 26 (4×4+5×2=16+10=26) 4+5=9
5 3 26 (5×4+3×2=20+6=26) 5+3=8
6 1 26 (6×4+1×2=24+2=26) 6+1=7
1. minimum number of animals=7
2. chickens=3
3. cows=4