One theme of Gogol's "The Nose" is that people do not remain satisfied with what they have. Which passage from the story best su
pports this theme? A. But all at once he recoiled as though scorched, for all at once he had remembered that he had not a nose on him, but nothing at all.
B. Even joy grows less lively the next moment. And a moment later, again, it weakens further.
C. Russia is so strange a country that, let one but say anything about any one Collegiate Assessor, and the rest... at once apply the remark to themselves...
D. At the thought that the police might find the nose at his place, and arrest him, he felt frantic.
The correct option is A. From the statement given in option A, it can be seen that the character been talked about was formerly happy but he suddenly came to himself and become sad when he remember that he did not have a nose. All that he has, that were making him happy a moment ago were completely forgotten.