The Treaty of Versailles helped pave the way for the Nazi party to gain control of Germany by creating resentment and anger among the German people. Many German people were very resentful of their government (the Weimar Government) for having signed the peace Treaty in June 1919, since the terms of the Treaty were indeed very harmful to Germany: it took territory from the country, it forced it to pay reparations, and (and this term really caused indignation about the Germans) it blamed it and her allies for having started the war.
Since the Weimar Government was not popular and the country was facing tremeduous economic and social problems, the Nazis were able to gain the support of the German people, and eventually had the control of Germany.
Massive globalization and further increases in technology, during this time the Cold War has begun so competing for superior tech led to advancements in Military Technology which was then converted for Civilian use, so overall technology was vastly improved as well living condition for the average American. More wars were fought for the idea of “Balance of Power” such as the Korean War and Vietnam, mainly a way to protect and spread capitalism. Patriotism was also more wide spread than ever.
The invention of the vapor machine
Consumer prices in the United States are a 106.2% higher in Mexico. Consumers prices including rent in the United States is also much higher than it is in Mexico. Ram prices in the United States are more than 270% higher than the are in Mexico. Restaurant prices in the United States are a 126% higher than in Mexico. Grocery prices in the United States are over a 100% higher than in Mexico.