B, European settlers were immune to such diseases like smallpox because it came from their region, when knowledge that the native Americans were not immune and the disease was lethal to them, they started distributing blankets and clothing items that were infected with the viruses and caused a major impact on native population
Los fundamentalismos islámicos y judíos, en cuanto fenómenos culturales, constituyen una reacción frente a la modernidad de tipo occidental. El concepto de modernidad remite a un modelo general definido principalmente por la aplicación de los principios generales de la razón. Este modelo está relacionado con ciertas etapas de desarrollo económico, así como transformaciones políticas y culturales hacia la apertura, la racionalización y la secularización (Touraine, 1988).
Adventures hop its right?
belief that human beings are more inclined to do wrong than right because they are motivated entirely by self-