1. Falso, la muerte es el fin de la vida.
2. Falso, la vejez es la etapa cuando nos jubilamos.
3. Falso, a los sesenta y cinco años, muchas personas dejan de trabajar.
4. Falso, Julián y nuestra prima se casarán mañana.
5. Falso, mamá adora a su hermana.
6. Falso, el abuelo murió, por eso la abuela es viuda.
7. Falso, cuando te gradúas de la universidad, estás en la etapa de la juventud.
8. Falso, nuestro tío nunca se casó, es soltero.
All the statements from 1 to 8 are false and you have to provide the correct version of these statements.
1. False because death is the end of the life.
2. False because old age is the stage when we retire.
3. False because at the age of 65 years old, many people stop working.
4. False because Julian and his cousin will get married tomorrow.
5. False because mom loves her sister.
6. False because grandfather died so grandma is a widow.
7. False because when you graduate from University, you're in the youth stage.
8. False because our uncle never married so he is single.