The dedicated patron of the arts who was a doer and thinker and considered a "Renaissance Woman" was Isabella D'Este.
She was born on 19 May 1474 and died 13 February 1539.
She was the marquise of Mantua and a patron of Renaissance arts, literature and learning. She supported convents and monasteries and founded a girl´s school in Mantua.
It is very important to remark that many details of her life are known because of the great quantity of letter by her and other persons in her circle. Besides, more than two thousands of letters still survive.
The fugitive slave law was meant to return slaves, who had escaped to the "free" North, back to the South. It was a compromise set up by previous agreement made most recently in 1850. The 1850 agreement was an attempt to amend slave laws, but still allow for slavery in the South, while allowing the country to further expand to the West. The North resented the law, because it denied slaves the freedom embodied in the North. The South resented it, because they saw it as their right to own slaves per the 1850, regardless of where the slaves were in the U.S. The slaves were deemed extremely necessary because of the requirement of slave labor in the vast agricultural networks in the South.
I honk it’s true because it have to be because it would add up if it was false