A becuase the others would not make any sense
The theory of mercantilism motivated overseas exploration as it posited that a country's power depended mainly on its wealth. Consequently, various nations sought to increase their wealth and power by establishing colonies where they could extract resources such as minerals which determined the wealth of a nation
The federal government was too weak to enforce their laws and therefore had no power.
Camden: Gates
Kings mountain: sevier
Happens: Morgan
Guilfors: Greene
5: George Rogers Clark
She went to jail
Katie is a bad person because she did a lot of bad things, she got in a lot of trouble by the state and by her parents. She is always fighting with her parents. She gets in a lot of trouble at school too. And she hits and fights and argues with her siblings. And because she is a big thief and a liar. She is not nice to anyone she see's. She steal's from elderly and is very rude to them. She laughs at them when they hurt themselves.
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