One ironic outcome of the immense wealth Spain acquired - and ultimately squandered - with the colonization of the New World was to make rich others. Great wealth allowed the Spanish kings to fight wars in Europe: against France, in the Netherlands, in Italy and against the Turks in the Mediterranean. But on the other hand, large amounts of those riches - gold, silver - ended in the pockets of the European bankers who had given credits to the Spanish kingdom. Because it lost some wars, Spain had to pay indemnizations and reparations to victors, too. At the same time, much of the treasuries belonging to Spain were stolen by British pirates who attacked and robbed the huge fleets of <em>galeones</em> transporting gold to the Spanish ports. As a Latin American historian once wrote, "Spain had the cow, but others drank the milk."
The major industry would be ranching
C they provide a type of instruction manual on how to worship God and live life
The Intercoastal Highway in South America is a highway that connects the western and the eastern coast of the continent, running through the countries of Peru and Brazil. The big positive of this highway is that it is connecting the eastern and western part of the continent, enabling for easier transportation of goods, and easier movement of people, which is of great economic benefit for everyone involved. On the other hand, there are also negatives, with the two biggest being the destruction of lot of tropical rainforest, and deaths of animals. In order for this highway to be built, enormous amount of trees and other vegetation have been cut down, which is always a problem. Also, the wild animals are not used to a highway running through their habitat, so they do not know how to react, very often being run over by the vehicles passing through.