1. brown and red in color to help blend into their dry habitat
2. a weasel-like body that helps them maneuver around bushes, trees, and predetors
1. they typically live alone and hunt mainly during the night time. this helps them keep a low profile in large plains
2. they made a wide variety of sounds, some for fun, some for mating, some to luring prey
The cell wall of oomycetes, however, is not composed of chitin, as in the fungi, but is made up of a mix of cellulosic compounds and glycan. The nuclei within the filaments are diploid, with two sets of genetic information, not haploid as in the fungi.
Typhitis, also called neutropenic enterocolitis, is an infection that often develops in cancer patients who undergo chemotherapy. In many cases, surgical intervention is required.
Without surgical intervention, the patient would be transferred to an ICU (Intensive Care Unit) for monitoring, and the nurse would perform some or all of these emergency actions:
1. Bowel rest and nasogastric suction,
2. Serial abdominal examinations,
3. Providing intravenous fluids, blood, and platelet transfusions when needed,
4. Using antibiotics to fight the infection, and obtaining cultures to determine if the antibiotic is working,
5. Not administering medication that could worsen the situation.
I had this question I think it’s gamma rays
The asthenosphere is denser than the lithosphere.