I think it's great for someone to just say no to letting it hinder their life and realizing innovative ways to do more amazing things than people without a disability! Right on Aimee!"
Aimee Mullins,Ellen,"Aimee's true ""disability"" is when people treat her or label her as a disabled person. She competes at every level as a non-disabled person. The greatest disservice to Aimee, or anyone with her courage and self-confidence, would be to label or marginalize them based on our perceptions of their having a disability. Think about how it is with children growing up
They deserve rights even though one of the men have a disablity. Watch the movie. Its better and you get a better understanding.
Any multiple choice answers
Shan is considered to be a first person narrator because he both tells the story and appears in it.
A first-person narrator would obviously use the first person pronoun (I) to refer to him/herself. So, the entire story is told from this person's point of view, using that particular pronoun. E.g. 'I saw him standing there...' is an example of a first person narration which Shan is an example of. If he were talking about someone else, it would be third-person narration.
Your answer here is D. watches, worries