When God was ready to send rain on the earth, Elijah appeared to Ahab and instructed him to gather the Israelites and the prophets of Baal at Mount Carmel. Elijah challenged the people to choose: follow God or follow Baal. They couldn't do both. Elijah set up a challenge to prove who is the one true God.
March 16, 1751
Madison, who was born on March 16, 1751, in Virginia, was one of the most influential of all the Founding Fathers. He was a driving force behind the Constitutional Convention of 1787 and presented the first version of the Bill of Rights to Congress. Madison graduated one year before Burr. The men were in rival debating societies at Princeton. Madison graduated in 1771; his roommate was poet Philip Freneau. After serving in the House for eight years, Madison walked away from national politics in March 1797 and returned to his estate at Montpelier. But Madison, along with his mentor, Thomas Jefferson, had formed an opposition party to the Federalists, and in 1798 Madison wrote the Virginia Resolution (in opposition to the Alien and Sedition Acts) during his time off.
He reads, educates himself
Answer: to emphasize the intense responses of audience members to Antony's speech
When Mark Anthony gave a eulogy for Julius Caesar who had been assassinated by several members of the Roman Senate, he did so with such emotionally charged rhetoric that the audience were so riled up that they wanted to kill his assassinators to avenge the great man painted by Mark Anthony.
The camera therefore focuses on the faces of the individual members of the audience who had been riled up, to show just how intense their response to this speech that riled them up was.