Good climate, many rivers, fertile soil
The economic crisis in most of the European countries was one of the primary reasons for migration in European countries.
Earlier after the end of second world war, many people migrated from country side to developed countries in search for work, with the intend to get a better life. Many unskilled labors got job in developed countries after this world war.
But when countries started facing economic crisis many workers started migrating to their home countries. There was land shortage and job shortage at this time. Farmers faced crop failure
Another cause of this migration was civil war that took place in Spain.
Most people migrated to seek religious, political and personal freedom.
This migration was also impacted by global conflicts also.
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The main demographic factors that predict an increase in the fiscal deficit in the future are, on the one hand, the progressive aging of baby boomers, who reach retirement age and withdraw from the labor market, thereby beginning to withdraw their funds. pension; and on the other hand, the low birth rate that began to be experienced in the 1990s, with which the population proportion of working people is increasingly lower, with which the government collects less taxes and has the need to maintain to more people.