The individual figures the mortgage interest credit allowed for the current year and any carryforward to the following year . Who May Claim the Credit .
Neurotransmitters work locally and their actions are very fast. Both hormones and neurotransmitters act as chemical messengers in the body. However, neurotransmitters' actions are short-lived while hormones act for longer periods of time. Neurotransmitters are delivered through the bloodstream, whereas hormones are found primarily in the synaptic cleft. Hormones are mostly released by glands, whereas neurotransmitters are made in the cell body of the neuron.
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C so the air goes through easier, is what I think
<span>-They help to prevent bank runs by reassuring the public that banks will not make too many loans and run out of cash.
-They help to facilitate transfers of funds between banks when a customer from one bank writes a check to a customer of another.
-They help to control the money supply.
Hope I helped </span>