not the same level of care and meaitnance.
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Clinical disease is a type of disease that has a recognizable clinical signs and symptoms.
Acid- fast organism are identified using a differential staining techniques called acid-fast staining, it help differentiate between bacteria groups especially as members of the genus Mycobacterium stands out.
Mycobacterium is the cause of the clinical disease called tuberculosis.
c. synaptic cleft
Ligand-gated cation channels respond by opening due to neurotransmitter binding and located at synaptic clefts.
person with type A blood receiving a transfusion of type B or AB blood would have an ABO incompatibility reaction. In an ABO incompatibility reaction, your immune system attacks the new blood cells and destroys them. If you have type AB blood, you have both A and B antigens.
person with type A blood receiving a transfusion of type B or AB blood would have an ABO incompatibility reaction. In an ABO incompatibility reaction, your immune system attacks the new blood cells and destroys them. If you have type AB blood, you have both A and B antigens.
All of them can pass to her child before, during, or after birth.