Which oceans and seas would a ship cross if it sailed from lima to peru to muscat in oman by the shortest routewhich oceans and
seas would a ship cross if it sailed from lima to peru to muscat in oman by the shortest routewhich oceans and seas would a ship cross if it sailed from lima to peru to muscat in oman by the shortest route
Peru is located on the western side of South America and Oman is located on the eastern side of Saudi Arabia. The distance between Oman and Peru is 14,615 km and it takes about 10-12 days to reach Oman.
152.4 km each side of these ocean basins spread during the past 1 million years.
The mid Atlantic ridge is spreading at a very fast rate and its due to the spreading of lavas on the either side of the oceanic plate it continues to expand, the ocean spread at a speed of 3-6 inches in a year and thus the axis to the beginning of the yellowish polarity.