It means like loss is nothing for you there are more things except loss , like you are so sad so so sad & you made your mind that you are gonna leave the house and when you go outside you see many people's in the world like one person has broken his arm , some are born without arms , than you think you are better than those like that ...k
The attire of Bertilak, the mysterious Green Knight who challenges the knights of the Round Table, is described in the medieval text in detail in lines 161-172, where we can read that "Bothe the bosses on his belt and other bright gems / That were richly ranged on his raiment noble". The word noble indicates indeed his social status; it grants him his high position in the court. Additionally, the fact that precious stones and metals are part of his attire also reflects the lavishness of the royalty and the court.
the statement that takes a position on an issue or controversy
The claim is the main idea of the text. It is what the argumentative text is trying to prove. The claim takes a position on an issue. An example of a claim would be "Students should be given a study hall period during the school day, even if it means reducing the regular class times." This statement takes a position on the topic of study halls in schools. The rest of the options are all other elements of an argumentative text, but they do not describe the claim.