He meets his class mates racist mother
The theme is that everyone has a treasure or something that is important to him or her, and it does not have to have great monetary value.
Shouldn't you know this stuff??
That's an enviable position to be in.
The best thing to do is limit your topic sentence so you can cut some of the material out of the essay.
I don't remember who said it, but there was a film director who commented once that the best film was on the floor. He meant that what he cut out of the film was better than what he released.
You could also hand in more than was asked for, but it had better have been good. In general teachers don't like that because it is not handled well. Sometimes too much material is not better than not enough.
I believe it would be declarative because it is stating a fact.
Interrogative is a question and will allmost always end in a question marks.
Imperative is an order and will almost always end in a period.
Exclamatory shows excitement or concern ends most often with a exclamation mark.
Because she fell in love with him and she didnt want him to go that is her curse she falls in love and they have to leave