Greek stories typically end with great suffering to try to explain reasons to the reader why there are bad things in the world, not only that but they try to teach the reader lessons so most of them have suffering as endings as a way of showing that this could possibly lead to that.
Greek drama originally was designed to praise gods, mostly Dionysus. The plays were not tragic or comic and were designed to praise the gods and usually consisted of songs or ceremonies that were designed to raise their value among the people. Eventually they became a bit more down to Earth and dialogue and actors were developed.
The poet is describing the journey towards the goals and dreams he has, and therefore encourages us through his words not to get tired, to move on, to keep fighting for our goals, for what we really want to do in life, it is a poet with a motivational message that teaches us that with efforts and with a positive attitude we can achieve what we want.
c. she sometimes disobeys her parents' rules
3. the specific facts used because it changes for each piece of text.