The Civil Rights Movement.
The Abolition Movement was from the 1830s through 1870, according to The Spanish-American War happened from April 21, 1898 to August 13, 1898. The Great War (also known as World War I) happened from July 28, 1914 to November 11, 1918. World War II happened from September 1, 1939 to September 2, 1945. The Civil Rights Movement went from 1954 to 1968.
The first 10 amendments to the Constitution make up the Bill of Rights. James Madison wrote the amendments, which list specific prohibitions on governmental power, in response to calls from several states for greater constitutional protection for individual liberties.
A megalith is a large stone that has been used to construct a structure or monument, either alone or together with other stones. The word megalithicdescribes structures made of suchlarge stones without the use of mortar or concrete, representing periods of prehistory characterised by such constructions.
On September 22, 1950 President Truman expressed in a letter to the house of representatives his concern that the McCarran Act is "a mockery of the bill of rights" as it would seriously damage the intelligence operations and security in which several departments such as CIA, Department of Defense, and Department of State are responsible.
John Locke, is the right answer.
John Locke is one of the most prominent political thinkers of the modern age. The "Two Treatises of Government" published in the year 1690 was his major work in which he supported the idea that men are free and equal by nature against the very claims that all men had naturally created a subject to a monarchy by the God. Locke was the first to argue that all men are naturally free and equal. Moreover, he claimed that people have some natural rights i.e, the right to life, liberty and property.