I think people succeed when they set a goal and challenge themselves to reach that goal. You will most likely have a million small successes that only you know about before the world sees any of your success. You have to be happy with not achieving your goal the first time you try and you have to dream. If your dream doesn’t scare you then you’re not dreaming big enough.
A world of heroes reads about the fall of Oedipus, the death of Hektor and the battle of thermopylia and other events in ancient Greece.
It reveals the impact of the choices and sacrifices made by individuals in the past and how it positive affects the society, most of which topics of these individuals are deliberated upon and are held dearly in the society.
Change the pitch of your voice
if i wanted you to listen to a key point in my speech i would speak it in a slightly different tone so that way you would pay more attention to it. often in commercials you will notice the change in pitch to get your attention.
The writing prompt.
snsbevehekwnw e eeyebe. e rjeieneveveeje