Fort Sumter in South Carolina
The Coal Strike of 1901
This strike was related to better wages and shorter workdays. Roosevelt tried to show an image of moderation between the groups, attempting to create good conditions for both parts. According to him, it was a way to maintain order and avoid riots and conflicts between Americans.
A. He created an alliance with the British against Americans.
Tecumseh, also known as Tecumtha or Tekamthi, was a native leader, both of the indigenous Shawnee people of North America and of a large indigenous confederation that opposed the United States of North America during the so-called Tecumseh War (or Tecumseh rebellion) and the Anglo-American War of 1812.
In this period, the minutemen were created. They could be ready for battle in a moments notice.
Paul Revere, was a horseback rider who spread the word that the British were coming. He warned a group of minutemen multiple different times, along with countless number of other horseback riders.