The United States gained control of the former Spanish colonies by going
to war with Spain over Cuba, or more specifically, Cuba's independence.
Together with the filipino rebels, America won against Spain and gained
control of multiple colonies including puerto rico, guam and the
Race eg. blacks, whites, asians and how some races get discriminated
The answer to this question is 40-60% ; 25%
Other estimation is based not based on the raw intellegence possesed but rather based on whether they could use the intelligence for real life purpose. Studies shows that even though young adults already fully developed the capability for formal operational thinking , onle a quarter of them actually got used to doing it.
Which of these is not an example of the embodied mind
He met members of the Bach family in Eisenach (which was the home city of J. S. Bach's father, Johann Ambrosius Bach), and became a close friend of Johann Ambrosius and tutor to his children. However, Pachelbel spent only one year in Eisenach. He was godfather to one of Bach's sisters, and music teacher to a brother. So Theodore, the youngest Pachelbel son, had known Bach, who was only five years his senior.