Language Arts
I've always been an extremely fast reader, and 'I've been a talented storywriter since I was young. Thus, the class has always come easy to me. Plus its just the most entertaining.
Explanation:animals are not part of it
I’m not sure if this is a multiple choice question or if you’re just looking for advice, but I would say the most appropriate/best topic is to write about a moment in your life that changed you/inspired you.
Subject and Verb do not agree. Sequoia and Charles plan to exercise together.
The subject of this sentence is a compound subject (Sequoia and Charles). A compound subject is a plural subject because it has more than one. The verb "plans" agrees with a singular subject because it ends with /s/. In order to make the subject and verb agree, the /s/ at the end of "plans" needs to be eliminated. The revised sentence should be "Sequoia and Charles plan to exercise together."