Because he enjoyed writing about romance
the increasing risk of automation and artificial intelligence in the employment sector.
The article "Heads Up, Humans: Get Ready" by Claudia Alarcon essentially talks about the increasing risk of automation and artificial intelligence in the employment sector. The author highlights how these technological advances in last few decades have already put about 40 percent of jobs at risk. This can be evidently reported from the research "According to a new report by a multi-national accounting and consulting firm based in London, 38% of U.S. jobs are at high risk of being replaced by robots and artificial intelligence".
The author further elaborates about how AI experts like Jerry Kaplan and physicist Steven Hawkings projected the same fate of losing jobs to automation and artificial intelligence in the near future.
You could use this as parat of the introduction
Over the years many influential books have come and gone, stories that we’ve heard as kids are still around today and influence the people that read them. A story can change the way we looks at things, open our minds to new worlds and influence the way we do things.
for examples and quotations you could use works that you’ve read that relate to the examples given.
<span>false cause
When a speaker or writer tries to connect two things that don't directly have an effect on each other as having an effect on each other, it is false cause. Saying that one thing directly causes another when there is no proof or factual evidence to back that up weakens an argument significantly. </span>