The Soviet Union and the satellite nations refused to take money offered in the Marshall Plan. The Marshall Plan was meant to help nations recover from World War II by providing money to stabilize the economy and rebuild infrastructure.
The Soviet Union knew that the United States was using this money as a means to form alliances. This is another reason why they refused to take it.
This helped lead to the idea of containment, as the US was trying to stop European nations they helped through the Marshall Plan from becoming communist.
Because of the climate and political and religious freedom.
The Kansas-Nebraska Act allowed each territory to decide the issue of slavery on the basis of popular sovereignty. Kansas with slavery would violate the Missouri Compromise, which had kept the Union from falling apart for the last thirty-four years.
The correct answer is Limited Self- Rule.
Palestinians wanted Limited Self- rule in Gaza and Jericho in 1992. Israelis claimed that this region ( Gaza strip) is rightfully theirs according to the Biblical Israel land, on the other hand, the Palestinian wanted to have their own nation as this region lies outside the UN recognized borders. By the Gaza- Jericho agreement Israel promised to withdraw partly from Gaza and Jericho. This agreement, therefore, resulted in the transfer of power from Israel to the Palestinian authority. Yasser Arafat became the first Prime minister of Palestine.