Es importante aprender a programar, por que es el mismo de que alguen aregle su carro. En estos tiempos, la technolagia se ha convertido en la nueva normal. Va vinir el tiempo quando nosotros necesitamos que arreglar un linia de codigo en nuestras computadoras, y no esta necesario para pagar alguen que ellos lo agan. Como quando necesitas que poner una llanta nueva a tu carro. Tu lo puedes cambiar solo. Entonses como el ejemplo del carro, tu puedes arreglar el linia de codigo en la computadora sin pagar alguen por acerlo.
Available options are:
A. Technical champions
B. Engaged filmmakers
C. Business partners
D. Compliance champions
Technical champions
Given that a "Technical Champion" is someone whose responsibility is to introduce and perform the role of enabling the use of technology, development of skills across the organization, and strengthen communication between Information Technology and the staff or employees.
Hence, in this case, considering the job descriptions described in the question above, these individuals would best be described as TECHNICAL CHAMPIONS
several personnel accessing the registration system
batch processing is all about multiprogramming so I think the first answer is the best as it is not based on one person .I know the last answer might be almost close but on a closer look it is not the answer as it is single based as written a file