<u>B. Tip the bowl slightly, then spoon up the last bit</u>
Generally speaking none of the other answers made much of sense.. "tip the bowl from side to side" doesn't help you at all, neither does "Keep spooning as much as you can, then stop eating". Neither of these will help you spoon up the last little bit, <u>the most logical answer is B. "Tip the bowl slightly, then spoon up the last bit"</u>. If this is not the correct answer then it'd be D, but I don't believe/feel that it's "poor etiquette" to "leave the last little bit".
<em>The programming language is not stated; however, I'll answer using Python programming language (</em><em>Se</em><em>e attachment</em><em> </em><em>for</em><em> </em><em>proper </em><em>for</em><em>mat</em><em>)</em>
tuition = 10000
rate = 0.04
for i in range(1,15):
tuition = tuition + tuition * rate
if i <= 10:
print("Year "+str(i)+" tuition:",end=" ")
if i == 14:
print("Tuition 4th year after:",end=" ")
<em>The first 2 lines initializes tuition and rate to 10000 and 0.04 respectively</em>
tuition = 10000
rate = 0.04
<em>The next line iterates from year 1 to year 14</em>
for i in range(1,15):
<em>This line calculates the tuition for each year</em>
tuition = tuition + tuition * rate
<em>The next 3 lines prints the tuition for year 1 to year 10</em>
if i <= 10:
print("Year "+str(i)+" tuition:",end=" ")
<em>The next 3 lines prints the tuition at the 4th year after year 10 (i.e. year 14)</em>
if i == 14:
print("Tuition 4th year after:",end=" ")