Soviet Union built the Berlin Wall
The three arguments of Thomas Jefferson against the National Bank of the United States are:
- The National Bank would be all too powerful and prevent the development of state banks, hindering one of the pillars of federalism in the United States: the autonomous development of the states in all sectors except for foreign policy.
- The Constitution does not give any power for the Federal Government to create a National Bank, making such act, according to Jefferson, automatically unconstitutional.
- Finally, the National Bank would, according to Jefferson, mostly help wealthy landowners, stockholders, and businessmen, to the detriment of farmers, workers, and the common in people in general.
look below since I think the answer gives limited amounts of characters
If I was in Truman's shoes and I lost the ships from Pearl Harbor I would definately fight back, there is no way I'm going to stay quiet from someone hurting my country and costs lives and lots of money. The options were Raid Japan, Invade Japan, bomb in an inhabitant area or a populated area.
<em>Pros and cons of</em><em> raiding Japan</em><em> </em>
<em>pros- Japan will see us as a threat and no longer want to mess with the US </em>
<em>CONS-More lives will be lost and will lose a future ally. </em>
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<em>Pros and cons of </em><em>invading Japan</em>
<em>pros- Japan will be ours and they will have to surrender </em>
<em>CONS- could cost more lives lost than needed. </em>
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<em>Pros and cons of </em><em>Bombing inhabited area</em>
<em>pros- </em><em>No one gets hurt and less lives will be lost </em>
<em>cons- Japan might cause another bombing </em>
<em>Pros and cons of </em><em>Bombing populated area</em>
<em>pros- Japan will fear us and must surrender </em>
<em>cons- many lives will be lost .</em>
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I believe Truman was better off dropping the bomb to prove to other countries to never mess with the USA again and if he didn't Japan might cause another bombing.
The federalist wanted a strong national, or federal, government in the time before 1812