The answer to the question above is "his friendship with the girl with a different race than him" which Okita revealed in the excerpt above. This significant detail is clearly shown in the last part of the excerpt which described Okita's and the girl's last name. This poem is written by Dwight Okita, a Japanese-American playwright, novelist, and poet.
A) an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable
After suffering a ruptured appendix,he refused to cancel his performance . and Houdini died several days later of complications at the age of 52.
B - Sometimes Enaki is Enaki Narok, the Black God, is happy with us and blanketing the sky with dark clouds that pour out raig to nourish the plains.
This exceprt shows the connection between Enaki being happy and then sending the rain - this explains where the rain as well as droughts come from (when Enaki is unhappy)
Massachusetts law required a tax-supported school for every community that could boast 50 or more families. Puritans wanted their children to be able to read the Bible.