According to the bible, Hebrews believed in the Ten Commandments thanks to Moses(hebrew) and God, who left the Commandments to Moses in Mount Sinai with the Israelites. You can learn the Ten Commandments in the Exodus Biblical book
Por qué las primeras grandes civilizaciones requirieron de gobiernos centralizados y autoritarios? Las primeras grandes civilizaciones requirieron de gobiernos centralizados y autoritarios para poder ejercer su férreo control sobre su territorio, como por ejemplo sucedió en Egipto.
The Treaty of Versailles (1919) was a peace treaty signed by the European powers that officially ended World War I.
After six months of negotiations in Paris, the treaty was signed as a continuation of the November 1918 armistice in Compiègne, which had put an end to the clashes. The main point of the treaty required Germany to accept all responsibility for causing the war and, under the terms of articles 231-247, to make reparations to a number of nations of the Triple Entente.
Although the Versailles treatment was a good one, it was a way of blaming Germany and punishing it, but I don't think it's possible to say that there was peace when years later the World War II happened. They should have proposed an agreement between all countries and not just as a way of holding Germany alone.
The Movement Toward Democracy in AfricaThe workshops were convened against the background of what many observers have called the ''second wave of liberation in Africa.'' Authoritarian regimes are being challenged by individuals and movements in search of more democratic forms of governance. Africans in many countries are showing remarkable persistence in forcing their leaders to comply with popular demands for political pluralism to replace the common one-party regimes. Calls for open and democratic governance, characterized by popular participation, competitive elections, and free flow of information can be heard in many African countries.
This new disposition toward democratization in Africa is a consequence of pressures both internal and external to African societies. To be sure, the continent's declining economic fortunes have made people more skeptical and critical of their governments, with new African thinking prompting individuals to move beyond old taboos. Demands from within African countries are pressing leaders to deliver on the promises of economic growth and prosperity they made in order to encourage the acceptance of structural adjustment policies supported by international financial institutions. The new insistence by external aid donors and creditors on good governance also has provided a window of opportunity for African democrats to push for transparency and accountability in their countries. Likewise, the worldwide democratic revolution and its corresponding summons to protect and promote individual human rights have contributed to generating protests
Industrialization drastically increased the speed of change because the production of new goods always had to increase and be faster at the end of the day. The demand was ever-increasing which made change much more desirable when it was in the direction of increased production.
In this way industrialization increased the speed of change.