in 1915, "Colonel" William Joseph Simmons, revived the Klan after seeing D. W. Griffith's film Birth of A Nation, which portrayed the Klansmen as great heroes.
The answer is below
There are various positive and negative effects of industrialization in a country. Some of which are:
Positives of Industrialization
1. Improvement in the employment rates
2. Increased in the wealth of a nation.
3. Improvement in the level of standard of living
4. Abundance of goods and services production level
5. Improved health and welfare facilities.
6. Better education provision etc
On the other hand, some of the negatives of Industrialization are:
1. There is an Increased in the level of pollution in the atmosphere
2. There are lower wages for labor.
3. High probability of child labor.
4. Poor working conditions
5. Bad living condition
A rumor that rifle cartilages were greased with cow fat and pig fat.
Increases and Industrialization
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