I believe the question is:
<em>"What were the causes and impact of increased Indian ocean trade in Post-Classical era?"</em>
Some of the causes of the increased Indian ocean trade during the Post-Classical era were<em> the increase volume of trade, the tremendous number of people involved and the various interactions happening from culture to culture.</em> The increase in the volume of trade was mainly due to the in<u>fluence of the Islam religion</u> which allowed the Muslim city-states to participate in the maritime trading. This then increased the items such as <em>gold, ivory and exotic animals</em> coming from southern Africa and the sub-Saharan. Due to new maritime technologies such as the compass and the used of "Junks" <em>(big trading ships</em>), larger cargoes could be transported and this assisted a faster way of trading in bulks. The "astrolabe" <em>(a celestial sphere)</em> was also introduced and this aided the sailors, especially in <em>preventing the</em><em> risks of maritime trade</em>.
During wwii, for the most part, everyone was united. we were all fighting for one cause. after wwii, america has sealed its fate as a global presence. we took on a leadership role of sorts in the playing field. then, the cold war happened (to sum it up, america and russia were not very happy with each other). when the cold war came about, things like the space race showed up too (first to go to space, first to land on the moon, etc). there were so many goals that each nation was working towards to make itself better, to make itself known, and to make sure they were a force to reckon with. in order to do that, you had to have people that were willing to do that. more people wanted their country to become a superpower, or launch people into space, or have the best weapons. people wanted to be proud of their country. hopefully that helps you :D
The supreme court tends to check congress more than the president because congress passes laws, which change the way the courts work in this country, so the supreme court is a major stake holder in what gets passed through acts of congress. Most of the time, a president is checked by the court through a bill they've thrown serious political muscle behind and gotten passed through congress. Great examples of the supreme court striking down presidentially endorsed acts of congress is the court striking down the Agricultural Adjustment Administration and the national Recovery Administration that FDR pushed for as part of the New Deal. This also nearly happened in recent times with Obamacare, where several components of the bill narrowly avoided being struck down by the supreme court. The supreme court can also check executive orders. The supreme court also struck down some elements of President Trump's muslim ban in the last month.
Almost all maps have distortion of some kind.
Fighting in a war will leave you with tragden memories and people shouldnt judge you off the color of your skin.