Because at the time, the American army was still segregated, and African Americans were discriminated in the army, even if they provided the same service for the country during the war against Germany and Japan.
Fortunately for African Americans, the army was desegregated after the war, and in the following decades, the Civil Rights Movement would lead to desegregation in most public and private places across the country, especially in the South.
Factory owners benefited greatly, while conditions for workers were poor.
He claimed that if he did all that it would be helpful for both the people and him. He believed that if you are a politician, you work for yourself and in your self-interest. If you find a way to help yourself and at the same time your people and you country, that would be the best, so being available for help was a political move that would help elevate his rank, while also being useful for the people.
The bay offered good harbors , and the land was fertile. Also, the English had believed there were rich gold mines