a living system is a system in an organism consisting of organs. each organs carry out different functions to ense life processes can be carried out effectively. The function of the organs are determined by the cells which make up the tissues. The connections are important to remove wastes/toxins out of the body and help absorb nutrienys, in some cases produce hormones as a form of homeostasis to ensure the body remains in a healthy optimised state constantly.
Option (2)
Strato-volcanoes are the steep, conical shaped, formed by the alternative beds of ash and lava. The magma in this type of volcano contains high silica content and are comprised of bubbles. When the gases are released from these bubbles, then a greater force is exerted from the bottom towards the surface. Due to this, they are very explosive and ejects a huge amount of materials during eruption. For example, Mount St. Helens
Cinder cones are the simplest volcanoes with steep sides. They are made of the materials and semi solidified lava that are ejected from the vents of the volcano. Eruptions are often explosive due to the force exerted by the gas and the molten lava and are accumulated near the vent. For example, Paricutin.
<u>These two types of volcanoes are similar in terms of its eruption that is violent and explosive in nature. In addition to that, they both have steep sides.
Hence, the correct answer is option (2).
It is in between our joints to hold bones together along with muscle
Desert's as they have the hottest temperature if you don't count humidity.
The sun bears down on you and senses there is low amount of water you would dehydrate rapidly and soon die.
Explanation: Rivalry
There is safety in numbers, and with that, they can run together more often without the fear of being attacked, and must push themselves to match others, therefor getting fit