Heat is transferred not lost
1. Mitosis
2. Meiosis
3. Mitosis
4. Meiosis
5. Meiosis
6. Mitosis
7. Mitosis
8. Meiosis
9. Mitosis
10. Mitosis
Viruses belonging to (+) ssRNA Tymoviridae and Tenuivirus are able to infect invertebrates and plants [15]. There are some virus families that have diverse host ranges. The Reoviridae (dsRNA) family includes viruses that infect vertebrates, vertebrates and invertebrates, or plants and invertebrates.
Antimicrobial agent
Antimicrobial agents are agents that helps fight against microorganism. The couple occur in natural or synthetic form.
Antibiotics are synthesis from natural source such as mold, bacteria to fight against various diseases.
Cephalothin produce by mold is an example of a natural antimicrobial that is produce by mold to kill microorganism causing various illnesses it could be further process into a synthetic antimicrobial agent and can be used as antibiotics.