Hey there!
According to Archimedes principle, an object floats if the bouyancy force exerted on it the fluid will balance its weight , which means FB=mg.
Also, the principle states that the bouyant force is the weight of the fluid displaced.
So, the amount of fluid displaced is the weight of the body.
And the formula for finding weight is
W = V×p×g
I know bob definitely broke into someone's house but I don't remember whose and he did spit at Atticus
Always look for similarities when comparing and contrasting.
An essay usually has 5 paragraphs, intro three body’s, and the conclusion so whatever your topic is about you would introduce it then go into it for the three paragraph and then conclude your essay.
because a jury is needed for the court to make its final ruling because they need as little bias in the system as they can get so they have the jury system